Tuesday, April 14, 2009 French fishing vessels have blockaded the English Channel ports of Calais, Bolougne, and Dunkirk. Not a boat will go in nor out The protest is an industrial action over tighter fishing quotas imposed by the European Union, with French fishing unions asking for their government to provide financial assistance or take…
Author: Admin
Help And Tips With New Dentures}
Read An Opinion On: Chatswood Dentists Submitted by: Barrie Semp When you begin eating with your new dentures it is important to start very slowly. Eating at first may present difficulties; in fact it is the most difficult part of mastering new dentures. Dont be discouraged if you experience a few failures at first, natural…
Global study dispels some myths about sexual behaviour
Wednesday, November 1, 2006 The first comprehensive global study of sexual behaviour, published today as part of The Lancet’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Online Series, found that people aren’t losing their virginity at ever younger ages, married people have the most sex, and there is no firm link between promiscuity and sexually transmitted diseases. Experts…
England: Multi-storey carpark in Liverpool gutted by fire, 1,300 vehicles destroyed
Thursday, January 4, 2018 A fire on Sunday night in the seven-storey carpark for the Echo Arena in Liverpool, England destroyed almost all the vehicles parked inside and led to cancellation of the final evening of the Liverpool International Horse Show and evacuation of nearby blocks of flats. The blaze reportedly started with a parked…
Passive Income Ideas Christina, Blake, Cee Lo, And Adam Monkey See Monkey Do
Read An Opinion On: Bavas Music City Submitted by: Ksenia Strauss Passive income ideas seems to stay on my mind, even when I’m sitting down, relaxing and watching TV (something that I rarely every do), however, there are some things that just snatch my attention and won’t let it go. Excitedly watching talent on display…
Candle knocked over during voodoo sex ritual causes apartment fire
Saturday, February 26, 2011 An elderly Brooklyn, New York woman was found dead yesterday after a fire triggered by a voodoo ceremony caused a blaze in an apartment that left dozens homeless. The details of the ceremony were not clear, but sources say it led to sex. An unidentified woman hired a Voodoo priest for…
More SKY TV problems, NZ
Saturday, May 13, 2006 SKY TV had problems earlier with some viewers unable to tune into certain channels. It was caused by a streamlining issue not related to satellite problems. The problem caused the following channels unable to be seen: Sky Movies, J2, Cartoon Network, Sky News, pay-per-view movie channels, radio channels including; National Radio,…
Iraqi elections kept low-key, but secure, in Paris
Saturday, January 29, 2005 Fourteen countries outside of Iraq have been selected for the installation of polling stations for the Iraqi National Assembly election. Among these, Paris, capital city of France, will welcome voters from France, Belgium, and Switzerland. While the event has not been kept secret, the French government and media have been quite…
Commercial Litigation Part 31 Of The Civil Procedure Rules}
Read An Opinion On: Mobility Aid Australia Commercial Litigation- Part 31 of the Civil Procedure Rules by Summerfield BrowneThe civil procedure rules (CPR) govern commercial litigation disputes. The CPR rules determine the procedure for conducting civil litigation and can in certain circumstances be used to gain a tactical advantage particularly in relation to obtaining a…
Charles Lazarus, founder of US-based toy retail giant Toys ‘R’ Us, dies at 94
Saturday, March 24, 2018 On Thursday, Charles Lazarus, the founder of United States toy retailer Toys “R” Us, died in Manhattan, New York, New York of respiratory failure. He was 94. His death came a week after Toys “R” Us announced that all of the stores were closing. Toys “R” Us issued a statement in…